Friday, January 16, 2009

The week in summary.

So it is the end of another week. A week that has maximum daily temperatures varying from the mid teens to the mid thirties (celcius).

I managed a fair bit this week, a lot of what I have done has been mentioned in previous posts so here is a quick summary:

  1. Warm weather cowl is 50% complete and going well.
  2. Mohair bolero: I managed 2" on the final sleeve…I still hate knitting sleeves.
  3. Sheer poncho: A couple of rows per day keeps this moving along.
  4. Soleil: Another 3" to do on the upper back then the fronts to finish.
  5. Garter stitch wrap: Still moving slowly, I have started the third ball so ahead of schedule given the plan is to finish this by 31st Dec 2009.
  6. Bushland scarf is about 20% done.
  7. Log cabin: finished the last 2"red strip. Next 12 strips will each be 3" wide.

Not bad for a week's work, I didn't meet my plan mentioned at the start of the week but I'm happy with what I did.