Friday, January 9, 2009

WIP update for the week

Anyone who has seen my Ravelry account (Wen) will know I have many WIPs on the go at one time. I don't work on all of them each week but I hope to give you an update on some I have been working on during the week.

Also I currently have some WIPs in Hobart (where I am working) and others in Melbourne (where I live) so I don't have access to all of them all the time.

So on to this week:

1. Soleil. As mentioned previously this is a summer top required because my summer clothes in general don't fit :(

I am currently doing the bust shaping on the tank knitted in the round. It is going very quickly as it is easy to knit and is on 4mm needles. As they are the standard Aussie size I knit much faster on them and don't need to look at what I am doing very often.

Garter-stitch wrap: This is my long term project.

Ilove the edging on it. You slip the first stitch of each row purlwise through the back of the loop. This would be great for shawls etc where you need to pick up the edge stitches for a border. It leaves a nice clear chain of stitches; 1 for every 2 rows.

I have knitted up almost 2 balls of the 20 required to complete this wrap now. Being all garter stitch it is very easy as long as you don't forget the yo's in each row.

Current size is 70cm along the hypotenuese and 48cm along the other edges. The wrap is made by knitting 4 right angle triangles, using a 3 needle cast off along the edges to connect them and leaving one corner open. (If you can't picture it then you are in for a long wait to see it finished ;)

Log Cabin Blanket:
Another long term stashbuster project. I started this after being encouraged to take up quilting at my craft group (they didn't suceed). Every so often I pick it up and knit a few rows. I am using wools that I got at bargain prices from the Bendigo back room and Spotlight.

I love this technique: knt a square then cast off leaving the last stitch on the needle. Turn and pick up all the edge stitches and knit a rectangle. Keep doing the same thing until it is the size you want.

If you start with a rectangle your blanket will be rectangular, if you do a different number of rows on each strip you will have a more irregular pattern.

Well that is what I have been doing this week as well as planning new projects (as if I don't have enough) and sewing in the ends of some otherwise finished ones as my needles are in Hobart so I needed to buy some extras.